A. 经营许可证
B. 行业准入证
C. 批准文件
D. 核准开业批文
Which is a benefit of using the IBM DS8000 FlashCopy SE (PTC-SE)()
A. FlashCopy SE (PTC-SE) is much faster than the traditional DS8000 full-volume FlashCopy
B. FlashCopy SE (PTC-SE) also supports background copy
C. FlashCopy SE (PTC-SE) is optimized for use in cases where a high percentage of the source volume is updated during the life of the relationship
D. the additional capacity required forFlashCopy SE (PTC-SE) must only be planned for data which is changed on the source volume during host I/O transactio
A. 手足搐搦
B. 肋骨串珠
C. 郝氏沟
D. 蛙腹
E. 肋膈沟
A. 腹泻
B. 便秘
C. 误吸
D. 肠坏死
E. 低血糖