

A. 审计重要性水平越高,所需审计证就越少;可接受的审计风险水平越高,则所需审计证据也越少;因此审计重要性水平与审计风险水平成正向关系
B. 一般而言,审计证据的相关与可靠程度越高,则所需审计证据的数量就可减少
C. 通过监盘获取的实物证据可以有力证实实物资产在会计报表上列示的恰当性
D. 控制风险初步评估水平越低,应取得关于内控设计合理和运行有效的证据越少



A. 第4
B. 第5
C. 第6
D. 第7


A. 确定性
B. 近似
C. 概率
D. 加密


A. 郑州至兰州
B. 西安至太原
C. 西安至洛阳
D. 郑州至西安

Directions: In this section, you will hear several passages. Listen to the passages carefully and then answer the questions that follow.
听力原文: It may be true, and we have to recognize obviously, that the population is badly housed and that we need more housing. However, housing uses up our scarce resources. It is pretty meaningless, therefore, to talk about providing more housing without taking into account the alternative use of resources. To provide more housing, when you have scarce resources, also implies, perhaps, making a choice between housing and other things which we could provide. Now, therefore, it's a question of priority. This is the problem which is true in U.K. market and it's also true in any housing market. The decision to provide more housing would involve giving up something. The question, therefore, arises. To what extent is the housing the greater priority than, say, health care and education so we come to the problem about choice. How are choices to be made in any economy, concerning how much housing is going to be provided? Indeed, how are the choices going to be made in any economy about anything which is provided?.., and who is going to make that choice? Basically, choices about how resources are allocated in any economy boil down to two possible ways of solving this problem. You either have the choices made directly by the government, or, the choices are made indirectly through the market.
What is the general topic of the lecture?

A. On housing.
B. On economy.
C. On marketing.
D. On choice of resources.
