
Datapath ImplementationStudent: Hi, Professor Curtis? I'm a little confused about (1) implementation. Do you have time to help me?Instructor: Sure, Angela. Come on in. What's confusing you?Student: Well, I know that the control gives (2). But I don't really understand the data flow.Instructor: Like you said, the (3) gives instructions to the datapath. Do you know what the first step is?Student: No, I don't.Instructor: Take a guess.Student: Is it having the PC fetch the next instruction?Instructor: That's right. See, you understand better than you think you do. From there, we usually have to follow a memory-reference instruction.Student: Okay. Then what?Instructor: Well, all instruction classes use the (4). So that's where the data goes next.Student: All of them? I thought it was just for arithmetic-logical instructions.Instructor: I know why you might think that, but it's not the case. After that, it's a matter of sending the (5) to the right destination. Does that make sense?


现阶段没有创业意愿的同学还需要接受创业教育的主要原因是( )。

A. 方便找工作
B. 创新能力与创新精神是现代大学生应该具备的基本素养
C. 防止失业后找不到工作
D. 创业基础是必修课

下列选项中属于创业者面临的内部因素的是( )。

A. 市场准入制度
B. 消费者购买力
C. 融资难度
D. 创业者实践经验

实现中华民族伟大复兴,是中华民族近代以来最伟大的梦想。这个梦想的本质就是( )

A. 理论自信、道路自信、制度自信
B. 学有所教、劳有所得、病有所医
C. 国家富强、民族振兴、人民幸福
D. 祖国统一、科技发达、社会和谐

英格兰银行的设立标志着( )。

A. 银行的产生
B. 商业银行制度的产生
C. 中央银行制度的诞生
D. 股份制银行的诞生
