What benefit can travel bring to you?
A. It can widen your knowledge.
B. It can save your time.
C. It may give you boredom and gloom.
D. It gives you more time to finish your work.
Travel is about exploring the world except ________.
A. connection with different people
B. discovery about the new places
C. your findings of the world
D. living habits
Travel is a good opportunity for you to ______.
A. finish your work
B. contact with your customers
C. have a relaxation
D. living habits
What do you need to do to make your trip an easy one according to the video?
A. book a room in advance
B. pack everything
C. prepare some food to eat on the plane
D. buy a lot of clothes
以下句式不同于其他一项的是( )
A. 能为文收责于薛者乎
B. 民扶老携幼,迎君道中
C. 齐放其大臣孟尝君于诸侯
D. 使吏召诸民当偿者