Which of the following statement is correct with Mark Twain?
A. Mark Twain is the first writer to use the speech of common Americans (vernacular language方言) in his books, which showed that simple American English could be as fine an instrument for great writing as more complex language
B. Mark Twain is a writer of local color(乡土特色)who captured American experiences as no other writer had.
C. Mark Twain is known for his humor. "But the source of humor is not laughter but sorrow." His last years were saddened by personal bereavement, his wife dying in 1904 and his daughter Jean in 1909.
D. All of the Above.
A. 地球一刻不停地绕太阳自转,地轴始终指向北极星附近
B. 以不同恒星为参考点,地球自转一周的时间都是23时56分4秒
C. 一个太阳日是24小时
D. 地球自转一周的时间是确定的,所以恒星日与太阳日应该相等
A. 23°26'N至23°26'S
B. 22°54'N至22°54'S
C. 23°59'N至23°59'S
D. 23°31'N至23°31'S
以下程序运行后的输出结果是____,____。#include“stdio.h ”void swap(int a,int *b){ int c;c=a; a=*b; *b=c;printf("%d %d",a,*b);}void main(){ int a=3,b=2;swap(a,&b);printf("%d %d", a,b);}
以下程序运行后的输出结果是____,____。#include“stdio.h ”void swap(int *x,int *y){ int t;{ t=*x; *x=*y; *y=t;}printf("%d %d\n",*x,*y);}void main(){ int a[]={2,3};swap(&a[0],&a[1]);printf("%d %d\n", a[0],a[1]);}