What DON'T we usually do in the morning?
A. Brushing our teeth
Cleaning the room
D. Getting ready for school
Which of the following statements is TRUE according to the proverb?
A. We should eat a big breakfast
B. We should eat a big dinner
C. We should eat a simple lunch
D. We should eat three full meals
【单选题】消防头盔主要适用于消防员在火灾现场作业时佩戴,对头、颈进行保护,其最主要的作用是防止( )。
A. 热辐射
B. 燃烧火焰
C. 电击和侧击
D. 坠落物的冲击和穿透
【单选题】正压式空气呼吸器的余气报警压力为( )MPa。
A. 2-6
B. 3-4
C. 5-6
D. 5-8
【单选题】消防头盔受到( )自由或导向平衡下落冲击时,头盔受冲击力的最大值不超过3780N,帽壳不应有碎片脱落,帽托不应有损坏或断裂,相关连接机构不应有损坏和断裂。
A. 在2楼平台落下
B. 在6楼平台落下
C. 2kg砖块自1m处
D. 5kg钢锤自1m处