
This law gives you the right to look at your personal records held by government agencies.

A. Gramm-Leach-Bliley Act
B. Freedom of Information Act
C. Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act
D. Computer Fraud and Abuse Act


Computer criminals that create and spread viruses are punished under this law.

A. Gramm-Leach-Bliley Act
B. Freedom of Information Act
C. Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act
D. Computer Fraud and Abuse Act

_______, a privacy issue, relates to the responsibility of controlling who is able to use data.

A. Encryption
B. Access
C. Restriction
D. Protection

Using publically available databases, information resellers create _______ and sell them to direct marketers, fundraisers, and others.

A. digital footprints
B. proxy people
C. electronic profiles
D. virtual avatars

_______ is the illegal assumption of someone's identity for the purposes of economic gain.

A. Denial of service attack
B. Keystroke logging
D. Identity theft
