The insistent ________ of the flag against the pole increased the drama of the military funeral.
A. snap
B. tap
C. clap
D. slap
Lily walked with so much spring in her step you could hear her feet ______ on the sidewalk.
A. snap
B. tap
C. clap
D. slap
All at once we heard a tremendous _________ of thunder.
A. snap
B. tap
C. clap
D. slap
A. 呕吐患者
B. 发热患者
C. 鼻饲患者
D. 鼻出血患者
E. 腹泻患者
A. 胃肠道反映
B. 是否成瘾
C. 心率、心律
D. 体温
E. 有无皮疹