

A. 老子
B. 孔子
C. 孟子
D. 荀子


This is a student essay about the growth in air travel. Read the first paragraph below, and choose which sentence is most suitable as a paragraph leader.……………………… IATA, the trade association for the world’s airlines, estimates that revenues from air travel rose from $465 billion in 2006 to $705 billion in 2016. In addition the total number of passengers rose from 2.2 billion to 3.8 billion during the same period (IATA 2017). There are a number of different reasons for this rise, including low air fares and economic development, particularly in Asia, but there are several factors that may lead to a slowdown in this growth in air travel.

A. In the last decade, air travel has become much more popular than other forms of transport.
B. At the global level, the average cost of air travel had fallen significantly.
C. At the global level, air travel has increased dramatically in the last 10 years.

Read the second paragraph, and choose which sentence is most suitable as a paragraph leader.……………………… They are able to drive prices down by having a low advertised fare, and then making additional charges for “extras” such as booking a seat or checking in luggage carried in the aircraft’s hold, things that were normally included in the fares of the legacy carriers, the airlines with a long established reputation. There are other efficiencies, such as the use of smaller less expensive airports, that can also keep costs down.

A. One reason for this growth is that travellers are able to find low-cost deals more easily using the internet.
B. One reason for this growth is that low-cost carriers (LCCs) have gained a larger share of the market.
C. One reason for this growth is that many more airlines have entered the market, providing a greater range of choices for travellers.

Read the third paragraph, and choose which sentence is most suitable as a paragraph leader.……………………… British Airways has outsourced a lot of its IT work in an attempt to cut costs. Many airlines are now charging for checked-in baggage. While the legacy carriers have had a significantly larger share of the lucrative business travel market, which is less susceptible to changes in the global economy, this is another market that the LCCs are starting to penetrate. In practice, the LCCs and the legacy carriers are becoming more like one another.

A. Other airlines have been forced to make efficiencies so that they can compete with the LCCs.
B. Legacy carriers have a much larger proportion of business travellers than LCCs.
C. Outsourcing is an effective strategy used by airlines to reduce costs, so they can compete with LCCs.

Read the fourth paragraph, and choose which sentence is most suitable as a paragraph leader.………………………They argue that an increase in air travel is a key element in the globalisation process and is essential to sustained economic growth. Most of this growth is expected to come from demand in the Asia Pacific region, where China and India, both countries which have seen above-average rates of economic growth, are also showing significant increases in both domestic and international air travel.

A. IATA (2016) predicts that passenger demand for air travel will double over the next 20 years.
B. IATA (2016) claims that the rise in air travel is one of the main drivers of economic growth worldwide.
C. IATA (2016) points out that the growth in air travel is most significant in the Asia Pacific region.
