A. 双下肢水肿
B. 肝颈静脉回流征阳性
C. 心脏向左扩大
D. 肺动脉瓣区第二心音(P2)亢进
E. 肝大,触痛阳性
You are developing a bonus report for the payroll application to calculate and display the bonus issue to each envelope. Employees with a salary of less than 50000$ earn a bonus of 15% and the employees who earn 50000$ or more earn out 10% bonus. Which type of trigger would you use to conditionally assign a bonus percentage?()
A. Report level trigger.
B. Group filter.
C. Format trigger.
D. None of the above.
A. 军运
B. 黄金周
C. 暑运
D. 春运
A. CPU接口
B. VGA接口
C. RJ-45接口
D. USB接口
A. 频分
B. 时分
C. 码分
D. 波分