Which statements are notCompliment in office?
A. I admire you.
B. You are an outstanding individual.
Come on, try it.
D. That's not a good idea.
Which statements are gratitude?
A. You're the greatest.
B. Some people were for this issue and others were against it.
C. I'm truly grateful for your help.
D. Try harder next time.
Which statements are approval?
A. I sure favor your decision.
B. I am in complete agreement with you.
C. I really appreciate it.
D. Please make sure you arrive on time.
1.佛祖释迦尼的成道处是( )。
A. 蓝毗尼花园
B. 鹿野苑
C. 拘尸那迦
D. 菩提伽耶