


My Unexpected Journey To Becoming A Software TesterMy journey as a Software Tester started a bit unexpectedly.I appeared for the initial interview rounds assuming it to be a software developer opportunity. To be honest, like every other Computer Science graduate out there, I was a bit skeptical about going ahead with Testing.But finally, I decided to give it a try. Only with a hope that my curious nature will help me in this field. When I appeared for the technical round, I wasn’t prepared for anything more than the basic concept of Software Testing.I joined Zycus as a QA Trainee and was allocated a product on some third or fourth day. It was one of the biggest (was in concept then) and most ambitious products of the company. After settling down for the initial few weeks, there was no turning back for me.We started as a QA team of two and soon after few months I was the only one driving the Testing efforts. In the initial 2 – 2.5 years itself I had logged nearly 3000 defects across different categories such as Functional, Performance, Security, UI, Usability, Multilingual, Multi-Tenancy, etc.The important point I want to highlight here is- All this was from an understanding of testing in practice and not just theory.I have been in the Software Testing field for almost six years now. It has been an amazing journey with so many different experiences and plenty of fruitful learning.Presently, I am working as a Senior QA Manager looking after some 5-6 products and modules. But what gives me real joy and happiness is leading a team of 30+ happy and passionate Testers.Of course, many people have contributed to my learning, but I can still say most of my experience and knowledge has come the hard way (and probably the best way), i.e. Solving it on my own.“Experience is the best teacher.”While I say this, I don’t at all mean to say that you won’t be benefited from learning or following documented theories about Software Testing. What I believe is, this all will surely help but nothing can beat understanding the concept at the core and facing the problems boldly.I believe documented stuff won’t teach you real testing, though it can give you some direction and then you are on your own. At least in my case, there were problems which may be not documented to solve my exact problems or I couldn’t find them in time. My only choice was to understand the problem/situation at the core and react to it with the approach I found right.Examples – How I approached in different situationsLet me explain this with the help of problems/situations I was up against and how I approached them.1) Performing against the odds and in pressureI was working on a product which was/is huge and complex enough to make a team of 30 engineers working continuously for three long years to get it to a sellable level.For most of the initial phase, either I was up (solo) against a team of 15-20 developers ranging from the junior, mid-senior, and senior level or was accompanied by one or couple of other testers. They were all adding new features to product relentlessly, which required equal and parallel attention from the testing side.Being part of requirement meetings, writing cases, executing them, exploratory rounds, maintaining servers, deployments, nothing was optional.By then I wasn’t aware of any methodology, best practice, course or a book which can show me solutions to such problems. Even today I’m not sure if there is anything which can precisely help you fight the ground realities as you face them.What I was rather doing is, aggressive and rapid rounds of exploratory testing (I wasn’t aware of the name by then) on each feature one-by-one and then repeat. This solution works purely on how fast you can shift your thoughts and frame situations/scenarios.Of course, this demanded real fast and aggressive work but it worked for me.What I mean by aggressive round is, you target one thing at a time (Say one element of a form at a time) and test it independently and in association with other linked elements/things.2) When you are up against the ‘unexpected’Which book do you think will suddenly help you with ‘How to’ when you are supposed to do something you have never done before?If we talk specifically then- None.I remember the time when in the absence of our Product lead, I along with few other Junior and mid-senior members were supposed to deploy our application on Demo (was production to us then) instance for the first time. It was very critical for first ever Demo of our product.Well, we did it, but with lots of Trial-and-Error. Reason being, none of us had expertise on Linux and shell scripting. I remember, there were concerns raised by our IT department (all in good faith) to my then Manager about me running wrong commands on Production servers. Maybe this was just a catalyst and shell scripting/Linux was my natural interest, but in a short while after that, I ended up taking responsibility of maintaining and upgrading five to six environments simultaneously.Shell and Linux caught my interest so well, that soon I was the one who started conducting internal training sessions on it.Hope my experience and findings helps you become a better tester or helps you in understanding testing better.Q1: Which is more important for software testers according to the writer, theory or experience? What is his reason?______________________________________________1____________________________________________________Q2: What did the writer do when faced with a huge and complex project? Why did the solution work?______________________________________________2___________________________________________________


A. 信息
B. 数据
C. 信号
D. 消息


A. 线路
B. 有线传输介质
C. 无线传输介质
D. 信道


A. 纠错法
B. 检错法
C. 差错控制方法
D. 差错控制编码
