A. 人民法院在受理公诉案件后,在开庭审理前进行实质性审查
B. 人民法院在受理公诉案件后,确认起诉书中有明确的指控犯罪事实并且附有证据目录、证人名单和主要证据复印件或者照片,所需材料齐备,并属于本院管辖的,就应当开庭审判
C. 决定开庭审判后,将开庭的时间、地点在开庭3日以前通知人民检察院
D. 决定开庭审判后,将人民检察院的起诉状副本至迟在开庭5日以前送达被告人
E. 人民法院在受理公诉案件后,在开庭审理前进行程序性审查
You don't have to worry about making yourself understand as many people here know a bit of
A. You don't
B. understand
C. as
D. a bit
The principal reason for the great number of smoke is that there are too many factories in
A. principal
B. number
C. that
D. too many
——She must be in the dormitory now.——No, she ______ be there. I saw her in the classroom a
A. mustn't
B. couldn't
C. can't
D. wouldn't