
What is one of the significant advantages of the Academy-Institute awards mentioned in the

A. They have a steady subsidization from the public.
B. They are often given to infamous artists.
C. They allow new voices and opinions.
D. They make great contribution to the progress of will-being artists.


______ that increasing numbers of compact-disc players will be bought by consumers in the

A. They are anticipated
B. In anticipation
C. Anticipating
D. It is anticipated

听力原文: Many people dislike walking into the hank, standing in long lines and running out of check. They are dissatisfied with their banks' limited hours, too. They want to do some banking at night and on weekends. For such people that problem may soon be over. Before long, they may be able to do that banking from the comfort leisure home, any hour of the day, any day of the week. Many banks arc preparing online branches or Internet offices, which means people will be able to take care of much of their banking businesses through the home computers. This process is called interactive banking. At these online branches, customers will be able to view all their accounts, move money between their accounts, apply for a loan, and get current information on products such as credit card. Customers will also be able to pay those bills electronically and even email questions to the bank. Banks are creating online services for several reasons. One reason is that banks must compete for customers, who will switch to another bank if they are dissatisfied with the services they receive. The convenience of online banking appeal to the kind of customers banks most want to keep, that is, people who are young, well-educated and have good incomes. Banks also want to take advantage of modem technology since they have moved into the 21st century
What does the speaker say about the future of this type of unusual food?

A. It will be consumed by more and more young people.
B. It will become the first course at dinner parties.
C. It will have to be changed to suit local tastes.
D. It is unlikely to be enjoyed by most people.

What does Dr Forsdic suggest to prevent dental decay?

A. Brush your teeth right before you go to bed in the evening.
B. Have as few of your teeth pulled out as possible.
C. Have your teeth X-rayed at regular intervals.
D. Clean your teeth shortly after eating.

Why did banks create online services according to the passage?

A. To compete for customers.
B. To reduce the size of their staff.
C. To provide services for distant clients.
D. To expand their operations at a lower cost.
