You seek to embitter me with the meaning that you are great…The underlined word means .
A. make sb feel sad and angry
B. laugh at sb
C. mock at sb
D. make sb feel excited
...and the raging elements disturbed the silence of existence with thunder, and commencedto attack the garden.The underlined word means.
A. commented
B. commended
C. started
D. wanted
That solitary garden suffered greatly from the belligerent skies.Which is the closestsynonymfor the underlined word?
A. angry
B. threatening
C. aggressive
D. scary
And a third one added, “Because we are poor in height the tempest is unable to subdue us.”Which is the closestsynonymfor the underlined word?
A. break
B. defeat
C. kill
D. destroy
At that moment the queen of violets saw by her side the converted violet, hurled to earth by the storm and distortedupon the wet grass like a limp soldier in a battlefield. The underlined word means.
A. weary, exhausted
B. weak and timid
C. dead
D. injured