If you had to choose a subtitle for the passage, which of the following would be the best? The Normandy Landings:_________ .
A. Fooling the Germans
B. The Role of General Eisenhower
C. The Largest Invasion Ever
D. Gambling with the Forces of Nature
It can be inferred that _________.
A. planning the invasion was not complicated except for predicting the weather
B. it was impossible to predict how any of the forces of nature would behave
C. moonlight was needed by the navy
D. the planners were wise to allow for the possibility of delay
The weather forecast for 6 June predicted that _________.
A. the storm would have completely ended
B. the storm might die down for a while
C. the storm would get worse before it got better
D. the weather would be as expected for the time of year
It can be inferred that the Germans did not expect the invasion on 6 June because _________.
A. they thought that weather would be bad
B. they believed the Allies could not agree
C. the allied decoys had fooled them into believing the invasion would take place later
D. they expected the landings on the seventh
Many paratroopers landed in the wrong place because _________.
A. the pathfinders had been blown away from the correct landing sites
B. of enemy anti-aircraft fire
C. visibility was poor
D. of bad planning