Exercise VI: 句子翻译(选择) There are two sentences chosen from the text. Choose the best Chinese translation for each sentence. 有两个句子选自课文。为每个句子选择最好的中文译文。1. It also comes in handy having friends to rely on for pep talks during midterms week or long problem sets.
A. 在期中考试周或者长时间做题时,朋友的加油打气还是派的上用场的。
B. 在期中考试周或问题长期集中时,有朋友一起进行鼓舞士气的谈话还是很有用的。
C. 在期中考试周或问题集中时,有朋友鼓舞士气还是很有用的。
2. Since most of us live within two minutes of one another, it’s easy to find a common room or table in the dining hall to take over at 9 p.m for studying.
A. 因为我们大部分人都住在两分钟的路程以内,晚上9 点钟在餐厅找一个饭桌吃饭或学习很容易。
B. 因为我们大部分人住的地方离得不远,2分钟内即可到达,晚上9 点钟在餐厅找一个公用的房间或饭桌学习很容易。
C. 因为我们大部分人都住在两分钟的路程以内,晚上9 点钟在餐厅找一个公用房间学习很容易。
Exercise IV: Fill in the blanks with the words given below. Change the form where necessary. (选词填空,需要时可适当改变词形)consider campusfriendshipimportantcommonexplainrelycomplain1 I’ll ___________ it nice and simply so you can understand.2 Fresh fruits and vegetables are _____________ for us.3 I know I can ________ on you to sort it out.4 You can’t put a price on _____________ .5 He had very little in ___________ with his sister.6 He came to _____________ about the volume of the music.7 Do you like __________ life?8 Money is _____________ to be the root of all evils.
A. 有感染的危险
B. 恐惧
C. 潜在并发症--出血性休克
D. 有效循环血量的改变
E. 躯体移动障碍
A. B超
B. HCG测定
C. 腹腔镜检查
D. 后穹隆穿刺
E. 诊断性刮宫