费者在戴尔电脑(Dell Computer)网站上选购电脑时,可依照需求自行选择偏好的零组件。此种营销手法称为?
A. 无差异营销
B. 差异化营销
C. 利基营销
D. 大量客制化(Mass Customization)
营销人员想要使用连乘比法(Chain-Ratio Method)计算咖啡饮料的市场潜量,下列哪项不宜放在评估式中?
A. 饮料占食物支出比率
B. 总人口数
C. 咖啡店家数
D. 个人可支配所得
In shipping, great care is needed for _____ goods.
A. portable
B. disposable
C. perishable
D. processable
Passengers usually board the aircraft at areas called _____ located within the terminal.
A. counter
B. tower
C. concourse
D. gate
At the airport, passengers need to get their boarding pass and checking in baggage at the ticket and luggage _____.
A. gate
B. counter
C. claiming area
D. concourse