
( ) According to the text, which of the following is Not true?

A. Emperor Guang Xu of the Qing Dynasty was not only a good amateur Beijing opera singer, but was also a good drummer in the Beijing opera orchestra.
B. In Beijing opera, different roles follow different patterns, all rather exaggerated, suggestive and symbolic.
C. The outstanding Beijing opera orchestra Mei Lanfang had a fine knowledge of music, costumes and make-up.
D. Beijing opera has made an excellent contribution to political exchange between China and the West.


有以下程序#include "stdio.h"void WriteStr(char *fn,char *str){FILE *fp;fp=fopen(fn,"W");fputs(str,fp);fclose(fp);}main(){WriteStr("t1.dat","start");tob_id_5389WriteStr("t1.dat","end");}程序运行后,文件t1.dat中的内容是_____。

A. start
B. end
C. startend
D. endrt


A. fgets(字符数组名,n,文件指针);
B. fgets(字符数组名,文件指针,n);
C. fgets(文件指针,字符数组名,n);
D. fgets(n,字符数组名,文件指针);


A. fp所指文件的长度,以字节为单位
B. fp所指文件的当前位置,以比特为单位
C. fp所指文件的长度,以比特为单位
D. fp所指文件的当前位置,以字节为单位

执行fseek(fp,-20L,2);后的结果是 。

A. 将文件指针从当前位置向文件末尾方向移动20字节
B. 将文件指针从文件头向文件末尾方向移动20字节
C. 将文件指针从当前位置向文件头方向移动20字节
D. 将文件指针从文件末尾向文件头方向移动20字节
