
Webster's New World College Dictionary (4th Edition, 2010) defines 'death' as: The act or fact of dying; permanent _______ of all life in a person, animal, or plant.


Collins English Dictionary defines 'death' as: The permanent end of all ___________ of life in an organism or some of its cellular components.

The Columbia Electronic Encyclopedia (2013) defines 'death' as: cessation of all life (metabolic) processes. Death may involve the organism as a whole (somatic death) or may be confined to cells and tissues within the organism. Causes of death in human beings include injury, acute or chronic disease, and neoplasia (cancer). The physiological death of cells that are normally replaced throughout life is called _____________; the death of cells caused by external changes, such as an abnormal lack of blood supply, is called necrosis.

The two leading causes of death for both men and women in the United States are heart disease and ___________.

Farlex Partner Medical Dictionary (2012) defines' death' as: The cessation of life. In lower multicellular organisms, death is a gradual process at the cellular level, because tissues vary in their ability to withstand deprivation of oxygen; in higher organisms, a cessation of integrated tissue and organ functions; in humans, manifested by the loss of heartbeat, by the absence of spontaneous breathing, and by _______________________.
