n. time that is spent doing what you enjoy when you are not working or studying
A. mercury
B. liquid
C. leisure
D. layout
n. a chemical element, which is a poisonous silver liquid metal, used in thermometers.
A. labour
B. mercy
C. memorial
D. mercury
v. to put sb. in a prison or another place from which they cannot escape
A. lessen
B. impose
C. imprison
D. leak
adj. involving using the hands or physical strength; n. a book that tells you how to do or operate sth., especially one that comes with a machine, etc., when you buy it
A. local
B. laundry
C. index
D. manual
n. An idea that is communicated indirectly, through a suggestion or hint
A. librarian
B. interaction
C. mechanics
D. implication