
工匠精神,英文是Craftsman’s spirit( )

A. 对
B. 错


“工匠精神”,是指工匠对自己产品精雕细琢、精益求精的精神理念,是工匠在生产实践中凝聚形成的务实严谨、专注专一的可贵品质。( )

A. 对
B. 错

精益,精益就是精益求精,是从业者对每件产品、每道工序都凝神聚力、精益求精、追求极致的职业品质。( )

A. 对
B. 错

工匠精神来源于工匠在本行业中的创造,表现为对本职工作的热忱、坚持不懈以及充满敬畏的艺术追求与严谨、专注的工作态度。( )

A. 对
B. 错

Watch the video in this chapter and fill in the blanks with what you hear.-- In the study of Oxford University in 2013, researchers found that almost 1.___________ (add a percentage here) have a high risk of being replaced by machines.-- 2,_________________ is the most powerful branch of artificial intelligence, which allows machines to learn from data and 3. ______________ things that humans can do.--Machine learning started with relatively simple tasks such as 4. _____________ risk from loan application, 5. _____________ the mail by reading handwritten characters from zip codes.
