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Now read the passage about E-books. You will have 45 seconds to read the passage.
Begin reading now.
Reading Time: 45 seconds
Although mainstream acceptance remains a few years down the road, E-books appear to be on their way. The early success of Stephen King's internet-only work, The Plant, has shown that the medium is beginning to catch on, though significant hurdles remain before it, gains widespread popularity. Several publishers have established E-book divisions exclusively devoted to the technology, and both Amazon. com and bn. com (Barnes & Noble's online venue) have created spaces on their sites to handle E-books. The new technology has a number of advantages over its paper relation, called the "P-book" by those in the publishing industry, posing the question as to whether they outweigh the seemingly irreplaceable intimacy shared between reader and his tree-born, black-and-white typed companion.
In this question, you will listen to a lecture. Then you will be asked to summarize important information from the lecture. After the question, you will have 20 seconds to prepare your response and 60 seconds to speak.
Listen to part of a talk in a marketing class.
Using points and examples from the talk, describe the four Ms in advertising and how they are related to one another.