A. 进食自理缺陷
B. 急性意识障碍
C. 角色的紊乱
D. 呼吸道阻塞
E. 知识缺乏
The names Jimmy, Billy and Bobby______in "y" are used especially for children, but they often continue into adult life.
A. ends
B. ending
C. ended
D. being ended
A. 注意力缺陷,活动过速
B. 中枢性运动障碍,姿势异常
C. 以精神和意识障碍为突出表现
D. 脑膜刺激征阳性,惊厥.高热.头痛
E. 肢体某一部分抽搐.不伴意识丧失
The electric shaver______before it can be used.
A. must repair
B. should be in repair
C. has to be repairable
D. needs repairing