At night,if you see a vessel ahead displaying the lights shown you should().
A. provide assistance as the vessel is in distress
B. stay clear as the vessel is transferring dangerous cargo
C. stay clear as the vessel is fishing
D. change course to the right as the vessel is crossing your bow
A. 是指正常脑组织中有扩张的毛细血管的一种血管畸形
B. 多数没有任何临床症状
C. 常规影像学检查难以诊断
D. MRI增强扫描可见桥脑内没有占位效应的小的增强病灶,需要与肿瘤、亚急性脑梗死以及脱髓鞘或炎性疾病鉴别
E. 少数可导致脑实质内出血