

A. 个人对自己的知觉及与之相关的评价
B. 个人对自己与他人关系的知觉和评价。
C. 个人对自己与环境关系的知觉和评价。
D. 个人对自己与过去经验的自觉与评价


1)All the following verbs can form acceptable collocations with the nounRELATIONSHIP except

A. make
B. create
C. acknowledge
D. deepen
E. build

All the following adjectives can form acceptable collocations with thenoun RELATIONSHIP except

A. close
B. mutual
C. Intimate
D. potential
E. fluent

All the following adjectives can form acceptable collocations with thenoun PANIC except

A. blind
B. sudden
C. sturdy
D. growing
E. total

All the following verbs can go with the noun PANIC except

A. feel
B. cause
C. create
D. spread
E. throw
