
Women are also underrepresented in the administration and this is because there are so few women full professors. In 1985,Regent Beryl Milburn produced a report blasting(轰动)the University of Texas System administration for not encouraging women.The University was rated认为 among the lowest for the system.In a 1987 update ,Milburn commended the progress that was made and called for even more improvement. One of the positive results from her study was a System-wide program to inform women of available administrative jobs. College of Communication Associate Dean Patrica Witherspoon,said it is important that woman be flexible when it comesto relocating if they want to rise in the ranks. Although a woman may face a chilly climate on campus , many times in order for her to succeed , she must rise above the problems around her and concentrate on her work. Until women make up a greater percentage of the senior positions in the University and all academia,inequities will exist存在. "Women need to spend their energies(精力energy) and time doing scholarly activities that are important here at the University." Spirduso said. "If they do that will be successful in this system.If they spend their time in little groups mourning the sexual discrimination that they think exists here, they are wasting valuable study time." According to Spirduso,women need to ().

A. produce a report on sexual discrimination
B. call for further improvement in their working conditions
C. spend their energies and time fighting against sexual discrimination
D. spend more time and energy doing scholarly activitie


某承包商通过竞标取得某标段市政工程的总承包任务,考虑到自身特点及业主和监理工程师要求,拟将一部分工程分包给另外承包商施工,并与分包商签订了分包合同,明确了分包合同的主要内容。施工过程中发生了以下事情: 1)由于种种原因,施工许可证在分包商进场95天后才拿到,但是分包商的工程已完成了分包合同的40%; 2)由于地质变化的原因,监理工程师要求施工企业停工,待补充勘察后复工,分包商因此停工75天,造成直接经济损失600万元; 3)在施工临近竣工时,质检单位发现一位分包商的资质造假,要求其撤场,但该分包商的任务已完成90%,总包单位只支付其已完成部分的工程款60%; 4)竣工验收阶段,其中一位分包商的工程经检验需返工维修,造成经济损失400万元,工期拖延35天。由于总工期迟于约定的工期15天,总承包单位按照施工总合同的约定被扣除履约保证金300万元。 问题: (1)如果你是承包商,试分析分包合同的主要内容应包含哪些? (2)事例1)施工许可证滞后办理有可能造成什么后果? (2)事例2)中的损失,分包单位可以索赔吗?如果可以,请写出索赔程序。 (4)事例3)中分包商工程款该如何处理? (5)总承包单位的损失该如何补偿?


A. 技术转让所得600万元免征企业所得税
B. 技术转让所得600万元减半征收企业所得税
C. 技术转让所得600万元中,500万元免征企业所得税,100万元减半征收企业所得税
D. 技术转让收入700万元中,500万元免征企业所得税,200万元减半征收企业所得税

某机电安装工程公司承接一汽车厂重型压力机车间机电设备安装工程,工程内容包括设备建造、压力机的就位安装、压力管道安装、自动控制工程、电气工程和单机试运行等。其中压力机最高22.5m,单件最重为105t。合同工期为4个月。合同约定,工期每推迟1d罚款10000元,提前1d奖励5000元。 该公司项目部对承接工程进行分析,工程重点是压力机吊装就位,为此,制定了两套压力机吊装方案。第一套方案,采用桅杆式起重机吊装,经测算施工时间需要50d,劳动力安排日平均为30人,参照相关定额预算人日平均工资50元,机械台班费及新购置钢丝绳和索具费用共20万元,其他费用2.5万元。第二套方案,采用两台100t汽车式起重机抬吊,但需要租赁,机械租赁费用1万元/(天·台)。经测算,现场共需14d,与第一套方案相比人工费可降低70%,其他费用可降低30%。 该项目部合理选择了吊装方案,注重安全管理,合理调度。加强了各阶段的成本控制,尤其对压力机吊装成本费用控制很严。吊装队发挥了积极性,如期完成任务,为后面工序创造了良好条件,使该工程项目提前8d完成了施工任务。 该工程项目应编制何种类型施工组织设计和专项施工方案?

You are the network administrator for Southridge Video. The network consists of a single Active Directory domain named southridgevideo.com. The domain contains one domain controller. All servers run Windows Server 2003. All client computers run Windows XP Professional. The company uses Group Policy objects (GPOs) to configure user and computer settings. The Active Directory database and the SYSVOL shared folder are stored on separate hard disks. The hard disk containing the SYSVOL folder fails. Some Group Policy settings are still applied, but new users do not receive the Group Policy settings. You replace the failed disk. You discover that there are no valid backups of the SYSVOL folder. You have a list of GUIDs and friendly names for each GPO. On the new disk, you create a new shared folder named SYSVOL in the same location as the previous SYSVOL folder. You need to configure the network so that the user and computer settings will be applied to all users. Which three courses of action should you take?()

A. In the SYSVOL folder, create a folder named southridgevideo.com. In the southridgevideo.com folder, create a folder named Policies.
B. In the SYSVOL folder, create a folder named System State. In the System State folder, create a folder named Policies.
C. In the Policies folder, create a folder for each GPName the folders by using the friendly name of each GPIn the folder for each GPO, create a folder named MACHINE and a folder named USE
D. In the Policies folder, create a folder for each GPName the folders by using the GUID of each GPIn the folder for each GPO, create a folder named MACHINE and a folder named USE
E. Use Active Directory Users and Computers to open each GPClose each GPO without changing any settings.
F. Use Active Directory Users and Computers to open each GPChange at least one setting in each GPO before closing it.
