Which of these differences may create a culture chasm? (Slide 4): Differences in:
A. Language
B. Laws
C. Education
D. Ethics
E. All of the above
Which of these factors is a potential reason a person is not doing what you want them to do (Slide 7)?
A. Communications problems
B. Motivation Problems
C. Skill gaps
D. Personality differences
E. All of the above
Which of the items below is NOT one of the 7 dimensions in the Negotiation Circle of Value? (Slide 11)?
A. Contingency plans
B. Relationships
C. Interests
D. Options
E. Communications
Which of the items below is NOT one of the Dozen D’s? (Slide 15)
A. Diagnose
B. Defuse
C. Delegate
E. Disengage
Which of the items from the dozen D’s below should be avoided if possible because they are likely to escalate the conflict and distract the team from the task at hand? (Slide 15-16)
A. Disorient
B. Denounce
C. Discredit
D. A and b above
E. a, b, and c above