
6. And the fare for a one-way overnight trip from Paris to Barcelona on the Elipsos service —— billed as a "train hotel"—— can run £250, or the price of a night in a very nice Hyatt.

A. registered
B. labeled
C. paid
D. advertised


7. For devotees, the biggest advantage of leisurely tourism is that slow means green.

A. someone who enjoys sth very much
B. someone who is attracted by sth
C. someone who believes in God
D. someone who is an environmentalist

8. Canny train operators have quickly figured out how to flaunt their environmental credentials.

A. considerate
B. environmental
C. generous
D. clever

9. How these new travelers—whose numbers are only slated to grow—will eventually spend their time and money is anyone’s guess.

A. planned
B. doomed
C. foreseen
D. proposed


A. 瓜蒌
B. 杜仲
C. 薏苡仁
D. 槟榔
E. 砂仁
