A. 神经性焦虑;
B. 广泛性焦虑;
C. 道德性焦虑;
D. 无意识焦虑。
【single Choice Question】According to Sigmund Freud's psychoanalytic theory, when the id and the superego collide, () will be produced.
A. neurological anxiety;
B. generalized anxiety;
C. moral anxiety;
D. unconscious anxiety.
A. 古斯塔夫·费希纳;
B. 赫尔曼·赫尔姆霍茨;
C. 约翰·洛克;
D. 恩斯特·韦伯。
【multiple-choice question】Which of the following scientists prepared for the scientificization of psychology? ()
A. Gustav Fechner;
B. Hermann Helmholtz;
C. John Locke;
D. Ernst Weber
A. 爱德华·铁钦纳;
B. 斯坦利·霍尔;
C. 约翰·华生;
D. 蔡元培。