Our market investigation informs us that you are ___________ Chinese Cotton Cloth.
A. on the market for
B. in the market for
C. for the market of
D. on the market of
普洱茶外形条索肥壮紧结,色泽乌褐或褐红,香气有独特 (),滋味陈醇,汤色红浓。
A. 陈香
B. 焦香
C. 蜜香
D. 醇香
A. 鲜嫩带花果香
B. 鲜嫩带板栗香
C. 甜醇带花果香
D. 甜醇带蜜糖香
脆性材料破坏或失效,是该材料产生了( )
A. 断裂
B. 屈服
C. 断裂或屈服
D. 颈缩