
It was during the heatwave of 1974 that my girlfriend and I decided to explore part of Morocco’s northwest coastline with a donkey, the animal’s purpose being to relieve us of our heavy backpacks. Accordingly, we sought out the market in a local village and inquired about buying an animal. A huge crowd instantly gathered round us, and a donkey was led forwards. Amid roars of laughter, we bargained with its owner and handed over what we were later told was an absurdly high sum.No matter, we now had a donkey, a solid-looking creature whom we named Blossom. We loaded her up and set off along the coast, which was everything we had hoped, being very wild, with only a few dwellings scattered at long intervals. Blossom, however, proved to be a problem, as she soon made it clear that she had no intention whatsoever of doing as she was told. She halted frequently and no matter how often we hit her sides with a stick, as we had been instructed, this had no effect on her. Nonetheless, we made some progress and spent the afternoon on a sandy and completely deserted beath. That night we slept out and carefully tethered Blossom to a small tree before climbing into our sleeping bags.Imagine our dismay the next morning when we woke to find no sign of Blossom. Convinced that she had been stolen, we headed back the way we had come. On inquiry at the first house we came to, its inhabitants, after laughing their heads off for fully ten minutes, and making galloping movements, pointed towards the market. When we got there, about four hours later, the whole village was waiting for us and Blossom was led forwards looking unrepentant. We embraced her, loaded her up and set off once more.The writer tells us that ________________________.

A. the weather was normal that summer
B. he and his girlfriend wanted to explore the hills of northwest Morocco
C. they wanted a donkey to carry things for them
D. they wanted to ride the donkey


When the couple sought out the market, they ___________________.

A. instantly paid the amount they were asked for the donkey
B. spent a long time looking for a donkey
C. did not receive any help from the crowd
D. paid too much for the donkey

The couple bought a donkey called Bolssom, but she ____________________.

A. did not obey them
B. hardly moved at all
C. got upset when hit by a stick
D. hated her new owners

The couple loaded Blossom and set off along the coast, which __________________.

A. had villages along it
B. had very few people living there
C. was different from what they had expected
D. had no one living there

The next morning, the couple found that Blossom _________________.

A. had been stolen
B. had run away back to her owner
C. looked very sorry
D. was waiting for them on the way
