一个较为完善的配送中心,应该具备( )等基本功能。
A. 对
B. 错
A. 对
B. 错
New words:surfing:v.冲浪sailing:航行,航海(n);航行的(adj)Listentoalong conversation andchoosethebestanswertoeachquestionyouhear. Page 33.[音频][音频]
A. Because he likes the sunny weather
Because he wants to challenge himself
C. Because it can help solve his sleeping problem.
D. Because it can help him forget all his troubles
Listentoalong conversation andchoosethebestanswertoeachquestionyouhear.[音频]
A. To go sailing
B. To go surfing
C. To go to the beach
D. To go to her nephew's.