600多年前,中国便有了原始火炮。More than 600 years ago ____ were used in China.
利用火药燃烧产生的推力发射炮弹。Cannon balls were ____ by the thrust of the huo yao explosion.
今日的火药也被广泛用于烟火。Now, huo yao is also ____ in ____.
2008年北京奥运会上,无数绽放在空中的美丽烟火,令人惊叹不已,带给人全新的美感。The ____ fireworks at the Beijing Olympic Games garnered wide acclaim and admiration from the audience.
吊、杀上网是一种( )战术
A. 进攻战术
B. 防守战术
C. 相斥战术
D. 过渡战术