A. 肘部手术后10天,线头处不适
B. 胃大部切除术后5天,伤口疼痛
C. 头皮缝合后3天,局部有疼痛感
D. 阑尾炎手术后3天,切口红肿有渗出
E. 腹壁疝修补术后3天,局部隐痛
suture removal time after head and neck surgery is
A. 2~3day
B. 3~4day
C. 4~5 day
D. 5~6days
E. 6~7days
usually the time of removing tension sutures after operation is
A. 5th day
B. 7th day
C. 9th day
D. 12th day
E. 14th day
A. 严重贫血,消瘦,轻度恶病质者
B. 切口表面不平整,缝线间距不一
C. 大量腹水
D. 有糖尿病史者
E. 服用糖皮质激素者