领导定义包括的三个要素是( )。
A. 所有的管理者都应是领导者
B. 领导建立在合法的、有报酬的和强制性的权力基础上
C. 领导者必须有部下或追随者
D. 领导者拥有追随者的能力或力量
E. 领导的目的是通过影响部下来达到组织的目标
The young woman was tall and ________.
A. portrait
B. direct
C. sighed
D. bald
E. recognize
F. familiar
G. slim
H. curly
I. muscular
J. overweight
The old man ________ with despair at the thought of all the opportunities he had missed.
A. portrait
B. direct
C. sighed
D. bald
E. recognize
F. familiar
G. slim
H. curly
I. muscular
J. overweight
I’ve got naturally ________ hair.
A. portrait
B. direct
C. sighed
D. bald
E. recognize
F. familiar
G. slim
H. curly
I. muscular
J. overweight