A. 在甲国不同意的情况下,乙国将争端提到国际法院,国际法院不可以行使管辖权
B. 若甲、乙两国均为《国际法院规约》当事国,且声明接受国际法院根据《国际法院规约》第36条规定的管辖权,则国际法院对两国具有强制性管辖权
C. 在国际法院对本案有管辖权并受理本案的情况下,经查参与审理本案的法官杰瑞具有甲国国籍,虽然就任前不曾参与本案,乙国可以根据有关回避制度要求杰瑞退出本案的审理
D. 在国际法院对本案有管辖权并受理本案的情况下,如果双方均没有本国籍的法官参与审理本案,甲、乙双方可各选派一名“专案法官”参与该案件的审理。但是,这种临时的专案法官在该案审理中与正式法官的权利是有差别的
在实际工作中,会计核算的七种专门方法并不是完全按照固定的顺序来进行的,往往可以交叉使用。 ()
A. 正确
B. 错误
A. (102,87,100,79,82,62,84,42,22,12,68)
B. (102,100,87,84,82,79,68,62,42,22,12)
C. (12,22,42,62,68,79,82,84,87,100,102)
D. (102,87,42,79,82,62,68,100,84,12,22)
Calculator is(66) for performing arithmetic operations, but that requires human intervention to alter its stored program, if any, and to initiate each operation or sequence of operations. A calculator performs some of the functions of a computer, but usually operates only with frequent human intervention.Microcomputer's processing unit consists of one or more microprocessors, and includes storage and input-output(67). Personal computer primarily intended for(68) use by an individual.(69) computer can be hand-carried for use in more than one location. Minicomputer is functionally intermediate between a microcomputer and a mainframe. And supercomputer has the highest processing speeds available at a given time for(70) scientific and engineering problems.
A. suitable
B. well-formed
C. applicable
D. usable