

A. dealing
B. dealt
C. deal
D. deals


Which of the following is connected to the word "bearish" in the last paragraph?

A. dropping
B. intellectual
C. booming
D. increasing

His friends, however, said that underneath he was charming and only outwardly seemed a little strange. They explained that he was sometimes very shy and reserved, and sometimes quite the opposite. His temper was unpredictable.
In view of this, it is not surprising that when a young female journalist was sent to interview him in his tiny house, she felt extremely nervous. But the interview went worse than expected, When she arrived, Mr. Hummer was sitting at a small table, and could hardly be seen for a forest of painting-brushed in pots of water. In the middle of these was a bottle of whisky. From time to time he poured some into a paint stained mug and drank it rapidly.
He smiled politely and said that of course he didn’t mind answering some questions. Putting on what she hoped was a suitably impressive voice, the girl asked him what purpose in society he thought he fulfilled as a painter. She wanted to know whether he saw his duty as a painter to be teaching people or entertaining them. The only response was a movement of surprise in the eyebrows among the painting—brushed and then a dry laugh. Finally the painter broke the silence by asking slowly what on earth she expected as an answer to such a question. He went on by saying that he didn’t see why he should have to justify himself. He merely painted pictures, and left other people to say what they meant and why he had done them.
Now it was the girl's turn to look astonished. This was not the way Important Contemporary Artists were supposed to speak, as they always had their own theories.
Before the age of seventy, Mr. Hummer______.

A. had avoided noisy exhibitions
B. had exhibited only small paintings
C. had never exhibited many paintings
D. had attracted no attention

The author evidences his own notion by advancing ______.

A. four facts
B. far-fetched pretexts
C. random hypothesis
D. powerful preachers

Y公司在2006年12月11日销售一批商品,增值税专用发票上注明的售价20000元,增值税额3 400元。现金折扣的条件为:2/10、1/20、n/30(假定计算折扣时不考虑增值税)。12月19日付款23 000元,其中400元为现金折扣。2007年3月15日该商品在审计结束前退回,Y公司退回货款,助理人员的建议调整意见正确的是()。 注:不考虑成本的调整及其他税金、各种准备、分配的影响。

A. 调整2007年的会计账目 借:以前年度损益调整 19 658 应交税费——应交增值税(销项税额) 3 342 贷:银行存款 23000
B. 调整2006年的会计账目 借:营业收入 20 000 应交税费——应交增值税(销项税额) 3 400 贷:银行存款 23 400
C. 调整2006年的会计报表 借:营业收入 19 658 应交税费——应交增值税(销项税额) 3 342 贷:银行存款 23 000
D. 调整2006年的会计报表 借:营业收入 20 000 应交税费——应交增值税(销项税额) 3 400 贷:银行存款 23000 财务费用 40
