
Directions: In this section, you will hear several passages. Listen to the passages carefully and then answer the questions that follow.
听力原文: During most of human history, communication was limited by time and distance. In less than 200 years, however, revolutionary changes in communication have occurred. In the 19th century, the telegraph and telephone were invented. Radio, television and computers were developed in the 20th century. These inventions completely changed people's lives around the world.
Today all of these communication devices are being linked together, creating a worldwide "information" revolution. This new wave of technology is called "telecommunications"--the use of electronic media (television, radio, telephones and computers) to communicate across distance and time. Telephones are now connected to home computers and television sets; radio stations are linked to home computers and home computers are tied to news publishing services.
Much of this is possible because of new technology that is known as fiber optics--communication lines that are made of glass fibers. Because of glass-fiber technology, large amounts of information may be sent at great speed over telephone and cable television lines.
Today the world can be linked instantly by computers and satellites. All of our systems--economic, social and political--are already being affected by these tools of technology. In the not-too-distant future, everyone will be affected by these anti further developments in telecommunications.
Which of the following can best serve as the title of the passage?

A. Communications.
B. Computers.
C. Telecommunications.
D. Glass-fiber Technology.


According to the rebel leader, what brought about the attacks?

A. Disruption of laws.
B. Withdrawal of Russian forces.
C. Betrayal of Ingush forces.
D. Military intervention of Chechnya.

听力原文: Chechnya's main rebel group denies it was behind Monday's attack on government buildings in the neighboring Republic of Ingushetia. At least fifty- seven people died including the Ingush interior minister. The deputy leader of the rebels Akhmed Dzigaryav told the Reuters News Agency Tuesday his group did not lead or plan the attack. But he said he is certain other Chechen rebels took part. He said the attackers were led by an Ingush commander he called Magmand. Mr. Dzigaryav said what he calls the lawlessness and destruction of Russian forces in Ingushetia brought about the attacks.
Which is NOT true about the attack?

A. It targeted Ingush government buildings.
B. The Ingush interior minister was killed in it.
C. A Chechen rebel group planned it.
D. Chechen rebels were involved in it.

Directions: In this section you will hear several conversations. Listen to the conversations carefully and then answer the questions that follow.
听力原文:W: Listen, Jack, we're going skiing over this three-day weekend. How about it? You want to come along?
M: I'd love to, but I can't.
W: Why?
M: I'm studying all weekend.
W: Oh, come on, Jack, you won't be studying all day Sunday.
M: Well, I'll be studying at least until midnight.
W: Well, we'll be at the ski resort in the Changbai Mountains in case you want a break. I've got to run. Are you sure you are not coming?
M: Oh, I don't know. I've got too much work and not enough time. I wish I had started my term paper earlier. If I had begun it a few weeks ago, I'd probably have had it done by now. It's due Monday. What am I going to do?
W: Well, if I were you, I'd stop all that moaning and get cracking! Besides, there is still the weekend. If you want, I'll give you a hand.
M: Oh, thanks, Janice. I'd really appreciate your help. Do you really think I'll be able to get it done this weekend?
W: Sure you will. What's your paper about?
M: U.S. foreign policy, 1960 to 1970.
W: Okay. Let's go to the library now. I know a couple of very good reference books.
What does the conversation say about the term paper?

A. It is on U.S. foreign policy.
B. The man has been working on it for quite a while.
C. It can't be finished during the weekend.
D. The man will go skiing despite the paper.

Directions: In this section, you will hear several news items. Listen to them carefully and then answer the questions that follow.
听力原文: Heavy rainstorms further up river continued to cause misery for those throughout the middle west and the forecast is for even more rain. The rains have been falling for weeks, and that combined with the swollen rivers have soaked hundreds of kilometers of levees along the Mississippi, making them vulnerable to breakage.
For how long have the heavy rains been falling?

A. Four days.
B. For days.
C. Four weeks.
D. For weeks.
