
[音频]Dialogue 1Smith: How do you spend your____time?Li Tian: I'm occupied with watching all kinds of sport games.Smith: What sport games do you usually watch?Li Tian: My favorite sport games are football, basketball, ____、 ____.Smith: Why do you love watching these kinds of games?Li Tian: It's good to see the ____、____involved in these games.Smith: Do you exercise a lot?Li Tian: Yes, I love watching sport games and I like doing exercises, too. They can strengthen my body.Smith: You're right. It's important to have a healthy body.Li Tian: I one hundred percent agree with you.


Dialogue 2Smith:What do you do in your______、______?Li Tian:I'm a lover of chess.Smith:Oh, playing is definitely not my ______.Li Tian:Can you tell me the reason?Smith:Well, I'm not good at any types of _______.Li Tian:Chess can bring you a lot of fun after you learn how to play.Smith:I know, maybe you can teach me next time.Li Tian:It's a ____.[音频]

毛泽东在井冈山主持制定中国共产党历史上第一个土地法的时间是( )

A. 1927年12月
B. 1928年12月
C. 1929年12月
D. 1930年12月

毛泽东在兴国主持制定中国共产党历史上第二个土地法的时间是( )

A. 1927年12月
B. 1928年11月
C. 1929年4月
D. 1930年12月

2.在1927年大革命失败以后,国民党代表的利益是( )

A. 地主阶级
B. 买办性的大资产阶级
C. 工人阶级
D. 农民阶级
