

A. ItsnamecomesfromtheZiikaForestofUganda,wheretheviruswasfirstisolatedin1947.Zikavirusisrelatedtothedengue,yellowfever,Japaneseencephalitis,andWestNileviruses.Sincethe1950s,ithasbeenknowntooccurwithinanarrowequatorialbeltfromAfricatoAsia.From2007to2016,thevirusspreadeastward,acrossthePacificOceantotheAmericas,leadingtothe2015–16Zikavirusepidemic.
B. ZikaisspreadmostlybythebiteofaninfectedAedesmosquito.Many people infected with Zika virus won’t have symptoms or will only have mild symptoms lasting for several days to a week. The most common symptoms of Zika are: fever, rash, headache, joint pain, conjunctivitis (red eyes), & muscle pain. Zikacanbepassedfromapregnantwomantoherfetus.Thiscanresultinmicrocephaly,severebrainmalformations,andotherbirthdefects.ZikainfectionsinadultsmayresultrarelyinGuillain–Barrésyndrome.
C. Itwasestimatedthat1.5millionpeoplewereinfectedbyZikainBrazil,withover3,500casesofmicrocephalyreportedbetweenOct2015andJan2016.InNov2016,WHOdeclaredthattheZikaviruswasnolongeraglobalemergencywhilenotingthatthevirusstillrepresents"ahighlysignificantandalong-termproblem".In2018and2019,nolocalmosquito-borneZikavirustransmissionhasbeenreportedinthecontinentalUnitedStates.
D. InJanuary2016,theUSCDCissuedtravelguidanceonaffectedcountries,includingtheuseofenhancedprecautions,&guidelinesforpregnantwomenincludingconsideringpostponingtravel.ThereisnovaccineormedicineforZika.


Which of the following statements about parental refusal of childhood vaccines & child neglect are correct?

A. Parental refusal of childhood vaccines is a contentious issue in pediatrics and public health. With increasing numbers of parents exempting their child from required school-entry vaccines and few evidence-based interventions to address vaccine hesitancy, pediatric providers are struggling with how to respond to parental vaccine refusal.
B. One strategy recently promoted is to treat vaccine refusal as neglect and report parents to child protective services (CPS) or another comparable agency in the US.
C. In 1964, the parents in Arkansas refused smallpox vaccine for their child for religious reasons. School refused to allow child to attend because child was not vaccinated.
D. The court believed that child was deemed neglected, because the state law requires immunization and attendance at an accredited school. Law does not allow for a religious exemption. Parental refusal to vaccinate, when it prevents child from attending school, constitutes neglect. Several similar cases are reported and the courts all considered vaccine refusal to constitute neglect.

WHO's International Health Regulations 2005 declares that:

A. With full respect for the dignity, human rights and fundamental freedom of persons
B. Guided by the Charter of the United Nations and the Constitution of the World Health Organization
C. Guided by the goal of their universal application for the protection of all people of the world from the international spread of disease
D. States have, in accordance with the Charter of the United Nations and the principles of international law, the sovereign right to legislate and to implement legislation in pursuance of their health policies. In doing so, they should uphold the purpose of these Regulations.

UN's Millennium Development Goals are:

A. 1. To eradicate extreme poverty & hunger2. To achieve universal primary education
B. 3. To promote gender equality and empower women4. To reduce child mortality
C. 5. To improve maternal health6. To combat HIV/AIDS, malaria, & other diseases
D. 7. To ensure environmental sustainability8. To develop a global partnership for development

Which of the following statements about the regulations of healthcare in the US are correct?

A. Healthcare is subject to extensive regulation at both the federal and the state level, much of which "arose haphazardly". Under this system, the federal government cedes primary responsibility to the states under the McCarran-Ferguson Act. Essential regulation includes the licensure of health care providers at the state level and the testing and approval of pharmaceuticals and medical devices by the U.Food and Drug Administration (FDA), and laboratory testing.
B. These regulations are designed to protect consumers from ineffective or fraudulent healthcare. Additionally, states regulate the health insurance market and they often have laws which require that health insurance companies cover certain procedures, although state mandates generally do not apply to the self-funded health care plans offered by large employers, which exempt from state laws under preemption clause of the Employee Retirement Income Security Act.
C. At the federal level, US Department of Health and Human Services oversees the various federal agencies involved in health care. The health agencies are a part of the U.Public Health Service, and include the Food and Drug Administration, which certifies the safety of food, effectiveness of drugs and medical products, the Centers for Disease Prevention, which prevents disease, premature death, and disability, the Agency of Health Care Research and Quality, the Agency Toxic Substances and Disease Registry, which regulates hazardous spills of toxic substances, and the National Institutes of Health, which conducts medical research.
D. State governments maintain state health departments, and local governments (counties and municipalities) often have their own health departments, usually branches of the state health department. Regulations of a state board may have executive and police strength to enforce state health laws. In some states, all members of state boards must be health care professionals.
