A. 对
B. 错
某钙拮抗剂可抑制房室结传导,大剂量可致窦房结、房室结电活动消失,还可舒张冠状血管及外周血管,并可降低血压,在下列最可能的药物是:( )
A. 地尔硫卓
B. 维拉帕米
C. 硝苯地平
D. 氟桂嗪
E. 尼卡地平
Directions: Fill in blanks with proper English words.语调 ( )声调( )句法( )隶书( )简体字( )繁体字( )形声字( )普通话( )通用语( )语音学( )音系学( )语素( )语系( )屈折变化( )
Directions: translate the following sentences into Chinese. Cantonese, which is the prestige variety of Yue dialect, is spoken in the vicinity of Canton. In many schools in Guangdong, Hongkong and Macau, Cantonese is the medium of instruction. Besides, it is also the main language of business, media and government in both Hongkong and Macau.