Although we watched carefully, the guard remained __________ for one hour.(stationary, stationery)
Edgar cannot sail until he has a full _____________ of men for his crew, and he is still lacking a deck hand. (complement, compliment)
Eric was a tireless scholar, he would ____________ over his books without a break until everyone else in the dormitory had gone to sleep. (pour, pore)
(sanguine, sanguinary)John’s nature was so _________ that we all felt cheered up when we saw him.The battle was so ______ that hardly a combatant on either side was without a wound.
(disinterested, uninterested)We could not have had a worse judge than the one we had, he was completely ________ in the case and the participants, and even read a magazine during some of the testimony.We could not have had a better judge than Judge Blandford; he was friendly, knowledgeable, and above all completely ________.