A. 提供用VHDL等硬件描述语言描述的功能块,但不涉及实现该功能块的具体电路
B. 提供设计的最终产品掩膜
C. 以可执行文件的形式提交用户,完成了综合的功能块
D. 都不是
He likes English and I____ like it.
A. both
B. too
C. also
D. Either
I forget _____the news. In fact I have told him.
A. tell
B. told
C. to tell
D. Telling
Don’t forget______the door when you leave.
A. shut
B. to shut
C. shuts
D. Shuting
I’ve invited him ____our school .
A. vistied
B. vistits
C. visting
D. to visit