
Which host China-ASEAN Vocational Educational Exhibition? 哪个机构主办东盟职教展?

A. the Ministry of Education of the People's Republic of China
B. the Ministry of Education of the People's Republic of China and the People's Government of Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region


What is the proper translation of the theme sentence“Building a Vocational Education Community through Exchanges, Mutual learning and Win-Win Cooperation”? 冒号中的句子最恰当的译文是以下哪个选项?

A. 交流互鉴合作共赢构建职教共同体
B. 文化交流合作共赢构建职教共同体

How manyforeign institutions participatedin 2019China-ASEAN Vocational Education Exhibition? 有多少外国大学参加了2019年东盟职教展?

A. 134
B. 176

In 2018,how many foreignstudentsarefrom ASEAN? 2018年有多少来自东盟国家的外国留学生?

A. 16,000
B. 9,000

What kinds ofexhibitions doesChina-ASEAN Vocational Education Exhibition include?东盟职教展包含哪几种展览?

A. the Vocational Students Skills Exhibition and the Vocational Education Equipment Exhibition
B. the network exhibition and the physical exhibition
