The public expect the conference to have a markedon the future of the national economy.
The new liquid spray-on skin technology, whichto the topmost layer of skin, is a world first Australian invention.
The company is about to a worldwide advertising campaign to promote its sales.
A. 玫瑰花
B. 茉莉花
C. 金银花
D. 百合花
【单选题】 (------)是整个茉莉花茶窨制过程的重点工序,把鲜花和茶坯充分拌和在一起进行窨制,让鲜花所吐之香直接为茶坯吸收。
A. 窨花拼和
B. 茶坯准备
C. 鲜花处理
D. 烘焙