
Directions: Listen to the following passage and fill in the blanks with what you hear.[音频]Although liberal arts colleges were 1) ________________ institutions created for wealthy white men in the early days of the American higher education system, there are 2) _____________. For example, Smith College founded in 1871 was established in order to provide “3)____________undergraduate education for women.” The establishment of Smith College was primarily 4) _________early prejudiced beliefs that 5) _________women from attending college. Liberal arts colleges today are a small but 6)_________ academic force in America which 7)_________ to create better people with a better balance of character through a broad range of study. Due to their 8) __________and teaching method, liberal arts colleges have over time become a unique part of the American education system. There are hundreds of liberal arts colleges available in the United States, all of which are 9)_________ supporting a curriculum that wishes to create 10)_________.


杭电ACM网站的功能不包括以下哪个( )

A. 大量不同难度的习题供练习
B. 建立新的竞赛
C. 添加新的比赛语言
D. 查看竞赛的排名

杭电ACM网站的网址是( )

A. http://acm.hdu.edu.cn/
B. http://acm.zju.edu.cn/onlinejudge/
C. https://bbs.csdn.net/topics/350209295
D. https://www.sina.com.cn/

ACM比赛的题目语言是( )

A. 英语
B. 法语
C. 中文
D. 德语

ACM比赛的题目不包含以下哪个内容( )

A. Problem Description
B. Input
C. Output
D. 程序示例
