根据下列经济业务运用借贷记账法编制会计分录。1.收到长林集团投资的设备一台,评估作价为500 000元。 2.本企业从某工厂购进甲材料一批,价值14 000元,增值税率为13%,货款尚未支付。 3.开出转账支票偿还前欠货款20 000元。4. 向建设银行借入为其三个月的借款350 000元,款项存入开户银行。5. 用现金500元购买总经理办公室办公用品。
Fill in the blanks with the right form of the following words.interfereexhaustedaccustomedcommittedabandonedconsistentlyintensiveadvanced1.It will seriously _____ with the progress of the work.2.It's something I have _____ denied.3.This is a man who has _____ murder.4.He is _____ to hard work.5.His disappearance has been the subject of _____ investigation.6. He claimed that his parents had _____ him.
A. 丁型肝炎病毒
B. 乙型肝炎病毒
C. 甲型肝炎病毒
D. 成型肝炎病毒
E. 丙型肝炎病毒
男,40岁。恶心、呕吐、尿色变深2天。既往无肝炎病史。查体:巩膜黄染,肝肋下2cm。实验室检查:ALT800UL,TBiL60umol/L,抗 HAV IgM(-), HBsAg(+),抗HBs(-),抗 HBc IgM(+)。该患者最可能的诊断是
A. 急性甲型肝炎
B. 急性乙型肝炎
C. 乙型肝炎恢复期
D. 甲型肝炎恢复期
E. 急性肝炎, HBsAg携带者