
某高血压病人出现室上性心动过速伴心绞痛时,下列哪些药物单用时可治疗该病例( )

A. 利多卡因
B. 维拉帕米
C. 硝酸甘油
D. 普萘洛尔
E. 硝苯地平速释片


下列哪些药的降压机制与阻断受体有关( )

A. 利血平
B. 肼屈嗪
C. 卡托普利
D. 哌唑嗪
E. 氯沙坦


A. 降压作用迅速、短暂
B. 降压作用明显
C. 主要用于高血压危象
D. 可扩张小动脉及小静脉
E. 可用于顽固性心衰治疗

Text A in Unit 4 is typical of the ______ pattern.

A. question-example-conclusion
B. question-example
C. cause-effect pattern
D. problem-solution

How does the author develop a paragraph in the pattern of question-example-conclusion?

A. In the first part, the question should be raised.
B. In the second part, some examples related to the question should be provided.
C. The last part should be the conclusion.
