对于拉深变形量大、不能通过一次拉深加工成型的,应采用多次拉深工艺。如果不同次拉深过程中加工硬化严重,可以进行 ,消除加工硬化后再进行拉深加工。
对统计数据稍作分析,我们便可了解未来十年的职业发展趋势。A brief ________ of the statistics will give us an _________ into career trends over the next decade.
明确未来职业发展趋势对求职者而言有所帮助。________ of future career trend must be of some help to a job ________.
经济及时复苏对服务业工作者的需求日益上升。The timely _________ of the economy led to a higher _________ for workers in the service industry.
某种程度上讲,事业成功与否取决于个人的交际能力。To some extent, the _______ of your career ________________ your interpersonal skills.